[truth] "I was determined to change my life because I didn't want to die young and leave my kids."
Working out wasn't for me. I didn't think I needed to exercise. I just needed to EAT LESS and LOSE WEIGHT
Being "mom" was my only priority; I was the caregiver.
In hindsight.. I was just getting by.
All I did was: take care of the family, go to school and then work, and make sure the boys were all set for school/sports/music/activities
My family will always be my #1 priority. However, what I now understand is that if I'm not in a good place then I won't do a good job taking care of them.
I'm happier and healthier.
I was determined to change my life because I didn't want to die young and leave my kids.
I'm motivated to continue to be a better me for my children and grandchildren.
I feel better. It's always a work in progress but I'm proud of how far I've come.
[myth about CrossFit] I thought I couldn't do it.
I was too old,
I wasn't fit enough,
I was a female,
I was a mom,
I'd hurt myself. All of the things we are told, and that we tell ourselves, that keep us convinced we are not enough.
If CrossFit wasn't a "thing" tomorrow I honestly don't know what I'd do! The friends I've made and the support are what keeps me coming ... I know there are those who will cheer me on and those who will tell me I can do better.
IF YOU'RE STUCK LIKE I WAS: Just walk in the door. Try it. Meet the people. You will never regret it and EVERYTHING is scalable and modifiable!!
This community will help you be a better you... And you are your only competition!
GET STARTED WITH US! Our Couch 2 CrossFit program is unlike any other intro program we've done before: